The discursive talk series at LOFFT
Experts illuminate the horse-human relationship from an interdisciplinary perspective and share their thoughts on the subject.
Between military horse, farm animal and companion: What were the highs and lows in the historical development of the horse-human relationship? And what does this have to do with gender history? People love horses, but do horses also love people? What is the secret of a strong horse-human relationship? What is behind the horse as a symbol of majesty and how do we encounter the horse-human duo in art?
Dirk Hentze, reporter for the podcast Elefant, Tiger & Co
Juliette Singer, horse trainer, qualified hippocampus instructor and member of Silke Vallentin's show team
Dr Ulrich Raulff, historian and author of ‘The Last Century of Horses - History of a Separation’, among other books
In German.
The performance AUF PFERDEN | ON HORSES by Eva Hintermaier and Simon Kalus will follow at 8pm.
WITH Dirk Hentze, Dr. Ulrich Raulff, Juliette Singer