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Lithuanian Culture Institute

Spatial opera in the dark
In 2016 opera CONFESSIONS was awarded Golden Stage Cross for the best music and Lithuanian Composer s Union s prize Musical Nail of The Year.
The opera creators group – Jens, Åsa and Rūta met at the 2010 New Music Incubator project in Latvia, and they were united by one goal – to create a spatial opera in the dark, especially expanding the possibilities of the acoustic surroundings. The work was inspired by their interest in spatial electronics, in particular by spatial acoustic sound and its impact on imagination. The Christian idea of the seven deadly sins lies at the basis of the libretto.

The seven parts of the CONFESSIONS are concerned with the seven cardinal sins – lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride. The intuitive relationship that appeared between the creators from the beginning of the collaboration is transferred to the opera at a musical level. The CONFESSIONS unites the authors long-cherished ideas of creative experiments: performing music in the dark, involving other senses (smell, touch) and allegedly completely removing the visual aspect. However in the opera, the latter is really the most activated factor in the listener s imagination – through abstract audio images and concrete pre-recorded sounds that produce strong images linked to feelings, sensations or objects.

Instructions for spectators
The spectators will sit blindfolded in the dark (blindfolds will be handed out before the performance). The sensations of the audience will be actively provoked. There is the only special “Pink chair” in the audience, it is free of charge, and the person who will win a competition will get it. The occupant of the seat will experience a set of extreme acoustic surroundings, smells, tastes and touches. Those who wish to get this seat need to make a sincere confession of one sin until March 20, 2017 on The person will be contacted and he/she will have to sign a contract.

There is no age limit but the parents who bring young children should be sure that the children will be able to spend an hour blindfolded, silent and without any contact with their parents.


  • Wheelchair Accessible

COMPOSITION Jens Hedman, Ruta Vitkauskaite 

VOCALS Åsa Nordgren 

PHOTO Ana Ablamonova, Martynas Aleksa


  • Wheelchair Accessible

Past dates

Wednesday, 20:00
Thursday, 20:00